Legal advisory involves a wide spectrum of corporate legal consultancy ranging from incorporation and liquidation matters, legal representation, litigation, ad-hoc legal advice, provision of legal opinions, conducting legal due diligence and structuring deals from a legal perspective. We also provide law drafting services to our clients.

Below are the areas of our practice and service lines:

  • Complex legal consulting – full legal support to clients in all areas of law relevant to client's business;
  • Legislation updates – providing clients with comprehensive data on the latest legal developments and ensuring their finger on the pulse of erratic legislation in Armenia;
  • Corporate law/registration/mergers and acquisitions/ liquidation – services pertinent to corporate law, drafting of corporate documents, full legal support in the process of registration of a new legal entity, re-registration or liquidation of existing entities, consultancy on the procedures to be employed in case of each form of reorganisation, support to transactions aimed at sale/acquisition of shares;
  • Banking and finance – complex advisory services on transactions with financial institutions and capital markets;
  • Contracts – legal assistance in negotiating and drafting contracts and agreements providing solid legal grounds for any types of business transactions and covering all areas of client’s concern;
  • Labour legislation – considered solutions for client's relations with its employees;
  • Litigation – representation of clients in courts, arbitral tribunals or at any alternative dispute resolution body aimed at protection of clients’ interests;
  • Real estate – legal advice on any real estate transaction and full legal support in its execution. 

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